

Talks and presentations held starting from the year 2020


conference and public venues


Teaching and advisory duties starting from the year 2020

lectures offered

course advisory

Advised students and 2-student groups in carrying out research on a predefined topic within the course. Topics range from object tracking, saliency prediction, gaze following, scanpath prediction, ego-centric scanpath prediction, ego-centric mutual gaze detection, binaural audiovisual sound localization, and social cue integration.

M.Sc. theses supervision

Theodor Wulff (Currently pursuing his Ph.D. @ University of Manchester)

Thesis title: Capturing Long-Term Dynamics During Salient Video Representation Learning

Defence date: 14.03.2023

In fulfillment of the M.Sc. degree requirements at the Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg, Germany.

Co-supervisors: Fares Abawi, Dr. Philipp Allgeuer, Prof. Stefan Wermter

Maximilian Keiff

Thesis title: Social Attention Prediction in a Free-Viewing Eye Tracking Task

Defence date: 22.08.2023

In fulfillment of the M.Sc. degree requirements at the Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg, Germany.

Co-supervisors: Fares Abawi, Dr. Di Fu, Prof. Stefan Wermter